Flower Power
by Brian Nisbet on January 10th
Like many forms of 'alternative' medicine, floral remedies have found themselves strangely politicised, placed at the centre of a schism; those who trust them often argue irrationally for the healing power of unproved natural remedies, while others will blindly trust pharmaceutical healing without even considering alternative methods.
It seems safe to say that the truth lies somewhere in between. Though many 'alternative' medicines -- such as homeopathy -- have been by and large discredited, the new-age, hippy image of floral medicine should not be allowed to obscure the possibility that remedial properties do exist in herbs, roots, and, yes, flowers.
Websites such as this provide a list of supposed 'flower essences'. It is, of course, entirely up to you how much you choose to believe! A reputable practitioner of alternative medicine should be able to advise you on whether there is any proof that a particular remedy is efficacious. Do remember, though, to make common sense your first port of call -- and to see a qualified GP if you have serious concerns about your health.
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